Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Amy Schmierbach

 I'm currently working on an abstract drawing. I really like it, but it makes me go crazy. I put so much information in it, text, shapes, colors and texture and I just don't know how to bond all those things together. So for this post, I want to talk a little about Amy Schmierbach's drawings, which contain a variety of elements in a very subtle way.

These drawings are part of the series "Hills", but I don't only see hills. I see Lava-lamp type of compositions, which project a feeling of relaxation. I could stare at these drawings for hours, and allow my eyes to read these drawings from top to bottom. For example, on the third piece, my eyes start on the top, down to the bottom and back to the top. I like her use of value, which gives weight to the "lava" and allows it to float away. The "lava" also has patterns erased on it, which makes it more interesting. On the first drawing, I see a hill, with texture and wind blowing above it, carrying with it all these funny shapes taking my vision to the bottom.

After looking at these drawings, I feel motivated to start experimenting with erasing, values and funny shapes :) maybe I could take a plasma ball as inspiration!

