Monday, March 5, 2012

Advanced Art Studio (Art Therapy Concentration) Goals

         * To prepare myself for grad school by:
o   Making myself aware of what needs to be done in terms of required classes, GRE and extracurricular activities.
o   Plan out when these must happen (i.e. volunteering in the summer).
o   Build my resume:
§  AATA Student Membership.
§  Find possible conferences to attend.
§  Find volunteering or job opportunities in the counseling field.
·         Explore art therapy techniques and create my own.
·         * Inform myself about the basics of art therapy.
·         * Explore a personal social issue through a body of work (i.e. Bullying, roles, cultural identity, etc…)
·         * Writing assignments:
o   Goals for the course.
o   Description of each piece.
o   Population of interest.
o   Personal social issue of interest.
·         * Interview art therapist.
·         * Shadow art therapist.