Thursday, September 27, 2012

Videos of china

New Discoveries in Chinese Archaeology 

* Interesting how they dig with levels, makes it easier to excavate I guess.

* Did they not use silver? 


Bronze Age

*What type of things did the ritual vessels hold?

*Do we have specific music notes for the bronze bells?

*Seems that there was an abundance of bronze 

*They made the most out of bronze for many areas of life. 


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

China-- Painting on silk and mounting techniques

How silk is prepared (basic way) 

 How painting is done 



Despite its antiquity, Hinduism has over 900 million adherents worldwide, and the majority is in India and Nepal. Unlike most other religions, Hinduism does not have a founder or one specific god. It is more of a collaboration of philosophies, so people refer to Hinduism as “a way of life” or “a family of religions” rather than a single, fixed religion.The basic sacred scripture is the Vedic, this collection of books are a source for Hindus to understanding the universe.  The part “Hindu” comes from the name of a river called, the Sindhu.   Classic Hinduism promotes four different goals: Dharma (virtue), Artha (success), Kama (pleasure), and moksha (release). Dharma, Artha and Kama are considered goals that can be achieved all at once or at different stages in life, while moksha is a goal that strives to reject the material life in order to realize the true nature of the cosmos and one's place in it.

The Code of Manu is the various stages to accomplish in order to have a successful life:1.) Be a student.2.)Become a householder and marry a proper person from one's own caste.3.)Hermit once reached and old age.4.) Wandering beggar.This is to be performed by males only, women are to stay at home and take care of the children.  There are four types of yoga exercises that help hindu individuals understand one’s own soul separate from the body. (Note: The yoga practiced in Western culture for fitness is not considered a spiritual yoga.)   

- stratified caste system       

   1.  Brahmans (priests)   2.  warriors   3.  farmers, merchants, artisans   4.  laborers, servants, slaves

In modern times, a popular icon of Hinduism would be Mahatma Ghandi.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Indus Valley Civilization: Mohenjo-daro

Very civilized community. The layout of the buildings was interesting and the fact that it sits on top of a  platform is nice.

Did people actually have houses on that platform or was it more for use of the vendors, religious and political leaders?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Raphael drawings


 Raphael and His Circle


How do they add value?  What variety of line quality do they use?

What techniques are used to enhance three-dimensionality?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More burial artifacts
These chairs in Tutankhamun's tomb got my attention because they look so modern, and just by looking at them they just look like they had a lot of work and thought put into them. 

They look comfy too, I'd love to have something similar!

Egyptian Burial Artifact

In Tutankhamun's tomb, one of the burial artifacts found was a bed with sides in form of a cow. Archeologists think that it is probable that the purpose of this bed was to carry Tutankhamun to the solar heaven. According to legend, when the sun god ended his reign on earth, he ascended to the sky on the back of a cow goddess named Mehturt.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Research Outline

Article: Pompeii's Hidden Past

Country: China = Painting on silk and mounting techniques.

Religion: Hinduism from India


The use of layers (in a mummy, or in a death grave) seems to be repetitive, I wonder if it has a meaning behind it?

I thought it was interesting that the archeologists could prove that the people who built the pyramids were not slaves.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tombs of Ur Artifacts

Headdress of the Lady Puabi,
ca. 2650-2550 B.C.
Gold, lapis lazuli and carnelian
Hammered gold sheets
(14 inches height of comb, 1 inch diameter of
hair rings, 4 inches diameter of earrings)

Sumerian ostrich egg shaped vessel - c. 2600 to 2500 B.C
 Gold, lapis lazuli, red limestone, shell and bitumen.
Single sheet of gold hammered from the inside.
H. 5.7 inches
Dm. 5.11 inches

Cylinder Seal
Lapis lazuli
Carved image
H. 1.65 inches
Dm. 1.02