Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Future Portrait

Pasted from: http://www.arttherapyblog.com/art-therapy-activities/future-self-portrait/#more-93

" Imagine yourself tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now, 10 years from now, or any other future date of your choice. Imagine how you would like to be. Imagine yourself somewhere you’ve never been. Imagine yourself in any way you like, some time in the future.
Now create a self portrait that reflects how you see yourself in the future. For this exercise, let’s go with a drawing or painting. If you don’t have those materials readily available, then use anything you do have readily available…maybe it’s a collage from magazines or other materials. The idea is to create something relatively quickly (within hours or a day). Feel free to create more than one future self portrait. You could create one for each day of the week or one for each month of the year, or one for each of your favorite holidays. Place the date on your finished future self portrait.
What you have now is something you can put on your fridge, wall, mirror, etc. as a reminder of how you want to be in the future. Use this as a way to jump start your path to becoming who you want to be in the future"

I really like this concept and it is something I would like to try at some point for myself. However, as I was reading it, it reminded me of Peter Feldstein's Oxford Project where he had a picture of a person and then a second picture of the same person, but twenty years later. So this allowed the individual to compare the pictures and start reflecting about how their goals and thinking has changed. So I would take this art therapy activity and add a "present" illustration with it.

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