Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Art Therapy--Drawing faces of the living and the dead

Faces from China's Past: Paintings for Entertainment & Remembrance
I came across this current exhibition on the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Although I have not seen it yet, I found the description to be very interesting. During the earlier ages of China, artists would paint faces of the living to honor them, for they meant a lot to them in some way. They would also paint portraits of the ones who were no longer in our physical world, with the intentions of commemorating their lives. These portraits were not meant to be high works of art, they were more for families to enjoy. 

Visitors of this exhibition were asked to draw portraits of someone who means or meant a lot to them, I think this would be a great activity for art therapy patients to cope with grief by commemorating a loved one who passed away, and honoring another significant person who is still with them. 
 I should go see this exhibition some time! :)

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